At Alunta we have decided to createa a dictionary for words and important terms related to running a subcription busniess. You are now reading about “Benchmarking”.
Benchmarking can be extremely beneficial to subscription-based businesses as it provides valuable insights into the industry standards and performance metrics. It allows businesses to compare their performance against industry leaders, identify gaps, and implement improvements. It can help in understanding customer expectations, pricing models, churn rates, and other key metrics. Moreover, it provides a basis for setting realistic goals and strategic planning. Overall, benchmarking can lead to improved performance, higher customer satisfaction, and increased profitability.
For subscription services, some relevant benchmarking metrics could include customer acquisition cost (CAC), monthly recurring revenue (MRR), customer lifetime value (CLTV), churn rate, and average revenue per user (ARPU). CAC refers to the cost to acquire a new customer, while MRR is the predictable revenue a company can expect every month. CLTV measures the total revenue a business can reasonably expect from a single customer, and churn rate indicates the percentage of subscribers who discontinue their subscriptions within a given time period. Lastly, ARPU measures the revenue generated per user or unit.
Benchmarking can help subscription businesses refine their pricing models by providing insights into what competitors and industry leaders are doing. By comparing their current pricing strategy with those of similar businesses, they can identify if they are underpricing or overpricing their services, and adjust accordingly. Benchmarking can also help identify trends and shifts in customer behavior and market demands, which can be utilized to update pricing models. This ensures that the pricing remains competitive, fair, and aligned with the perceived value of the service.
Check out other topics in our subscription dictionary below. We've gathered the ones we find most relevant in relation to benchmarking.