At Alunta we have decided to createa a dictionary for words and important terms related to running a subcription busniess. You are now reading about “LTV/CAC Ratio”.
The LTV/CAC ratio is a critical metric for subscription-based businesses as it provides insights into the profitability and sustainability of the business model. It compares the Lifetime Value (LTV) of a customer, which is the total net profit a company makes from any given customer, with the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), which is the total sales and marketing cost to acquire a new customer. If the LTV/CAC ratio is less than 1, it means the company is spending more to acquire customers than it will generate from them, which is not sustainable in the long run. A higher ratio indicates a more profitable business.
A company can improve its LTV/CAC ratio through a variety of strategies. Increasing the lifetime value of customers is one approach, which could involve upselling or cross-selling products, improving customer service to reduce churn rate, or increasing pricing if feasible. Reducing the cost of customer acquisition is another approach, which could involve optimizing marketing campaigns for better conversion rates, improving targeting to reach more potential high-value customers, or leveraging more cost-effective channels for customer acquisition.
Check out other topics in our subscription dictionary below. We've gathered the ones we find most relevant in relation to ltv/cac ratio.